Sarah | Seattle -> DC -> Maine
Sarah and I met in Chicago, members of the same organization and in the same multi-class friend group. We’ve cheered each other on during moves, travels, and grad school ever since. I was deeply thankful to sit down with her and here her story—a wild tale of so many facets of living life during a pandemic, special too through her lens as someone who holds a Masters in Public Health. Here is Sarah’s story:
I feel like the whole journey starts pre-covid, almost a year before [...] I finished grad school in May 2019. I got offered a job in Seattle, and I had gone to school in D.C. [...] So I packed up my car full of my stuff, and I solo road tripped across the country, and it was one of the coolest weeks of my life. I had never been further west of Chicago.
Now Sarah braces for the winter months in Maine solo…remind me to check in with her March to see what hobbies she started :)
Photos: Pre-covid graduation and travel and home in Maine photos are the property of Sarah Fisher.
Cover Photo: “D.C. “ By Emily Creek