

Girls Camp

Girls Camp

In March I was invited on a girls only snowgo trip to the Aggy to stay at my friend’s camp. A blizzard was comin’ in on saturday, so we loaded up after work to head out. The weekend was filled with stories, card games, good food, chopping woods, running freezing into the trees to pee, and a wolf spotting. Here’s the photo evidence. CineStill 800 on a olympus stylus—its first adventure with me.

China approaches her family camp. All boarded up with nails on boards on the porch —bearproof.

The ride was a little over an hour. Sled loaded up with kindling, a mattress, gear, and booze. We cut across the Noatak to the Aggy.

Arriving at 7pm, the sun was already setting well into the evening. It was a glorious site. We spent the next hour sweating our booties off as we de-bear proofed the cabin, scrapped out ice jamming the door, and finally got the stove on.

Good food, wood chopped, clothes hanging to dry, snow melting over the stove for drinking and cooking.

We spent the next few days reading, working on crafts, talking, cooking, chopping wood with all the girl might in the world, and enjoying the cozy cabin. One evening after China came in from skiing, I noticed movement…it was a wolf! A wonderful + simple weekend. Full of reminders why women are so important.

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