

Kase | Navigating grad school and activism during a pandemic

Kase | Navigating grad school and activism during a pandemic

I learned french horn!

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Kase, shares their experience navigating disruptions to graduate school, returning to the music, community in Seattle, and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement during COVID 19. Recorded on June 18, this is what the confluence of all these factors looked like for Kase and their community.

It was the end of my winter term...over a 48-hour window everything shut down.
Resturants were still open, but there weren’t lines, and no one was on the trails. So I was excited to show her Seattle.
I learned I am really affected by living in a basement. This is my third basement apartment! I realized there’s this stuff in my life that’s not serving me.

The first protest happened on May 29...We as white social workers are going to do what we said we were going to do which is put our bodies on the line to protect people of color.
By 3:30 I had been teargassed from like two feet away.

By 3:30 I had been teargassed from like two feet away.

I think after that day is when I really stepped up my efforts. It was like a full week of police in Seattle brutally attacking protesters. Arresting people for breaking curfew when tey were a block away from their apartment...a child, a seven year old child, got teargassed.

To contribute to mutual aid efforts in Seattle please look into the following:

@covid19mutualaid on insta is our local mutual aid org, the link in their bio has a google doc with a whole list.

The Seattle Artist Relief Fund (

And for those living in Seattle specifically:

Gaby | Chicago—talking work, dreams, and cooking

Gaby | Chicago—talking work, dreams, and cooking

Brittany | June 8, an expectant mother and a hospital worker during COVID 19

Brittany | June 8, an expectant mother and a hospital worker during COVID 19