

Coming Soon: What is lost, what is found | Oral History [in moment] of COVID-19 and Tethering Selves to Normalcy

Coming Soon: What is lost, what is found | Oral History [in moment] of COVID-19 and Tethering Selves to Normalcy

Project: What is lost, what is found | Oral history [in moment] of COVID 19 and Thethering Selves to Normalcy

As the whiplash of changing realities moves again—in the somewhat terrifying direction of re-opening, I am starting an intentional archive of what this time has been for people—what are the stories. Of course, we have tiktok and instagram and a ton of beautiful collabrative settings to always remember, but in a concise loction I felt we could all ask and answer the same questions, to find unity, and to record in a slightly more uniform and formal manner.

The focus will be on: how has COVID-19 upset the fundamentals of what it means to be you or human? AKA what things from "normalcy" have you lost that perhaps you had not thought of before?

 AND what are things you have done/made/etc to either tether you to a sense of yourself or create a new space for yourself or community?

I would love to conduct a short (10-20 min) interview with you + receive a self portrait of you in quarantine (photo/other art) as well as an photo of an 'artifact' of your quarantine. This could be anything, though I would prefer it not necessarily be related to COVID aka, masks.

I am going to post these oral histories on this website, its not heavily trafficked, but is public and can also be shared by you if you like. Same format as this introduction: photo, interview sound bite, summary of interview in writing, and photos/artifacts.

If interested in sharing please let me know! Feel free to share with others you think may be interested. 

On a lonely morning — i ran to Kalawao to watch the sun on the pali as it rose and rose.

On a lonely morning — i ran to Kalawao to watch the sun on the pali as it rose and rose.

This project is inspired by a quote from Anna White's Nearness Project:

This collection of stories will continue into fall. Feel free to think on what you'd like to shre.

What is lost, what is found | Emily — has anything changed?

What is lost, what is found | Emily — has anything changed?