Maggie | When plans shift...go geocaching + other pandemic reflections.
[re: mask mandate on federal land signed by this Administration]
For my friends working in Parks over the summer, visitors have not been caring about their health. Now visitors are required to care about my friends’ health. I really appreciate that.
Maggie and I met in Iceland—quite literally at a table at a hostel on the first morning of a three week adventure class through the West Fjords. It was summer and the moon was a new moon sliver series which is something only she understood and because of the midnight sun, we couldn’t see it at all… so every day we asked, “Where’s the moon, Maggie?” Because she was the only one who knew. Anyway—we saw a blue whale and the moon finally and it was magic. In the cool way the world works—our different interests and skills have led both of us to goals of careers in the Park Service. Though, both our starts in that world have had extra challenges due to covid. Maggie is amazing and fun, and I hope you enjoy our talk about all the things, including but not limited to geocaching.
Below are two photos from our Iceland-times way back in 2015 (!!!) First is Maggie in the amazing Hornstrandir Peninsula and the second is us looking VERY sassy and unhappy on our last day in Reykjavik.
Thanks for sharing your time and story with me Maggie!