Carly | Stories from lockdown in Mombasa, Kenya
Carly and I met in our Honors program at DePaul University, both ended up with Jeep Renegades in Denver for a few years—and spent some lovely time catching up this week. She called us ‘kindred spirits’ and I think that’s about right, never in the exact same circles, but always in touch and going through similar things. It was so interesting to hear about her year in Mombasa Kenya, which was largely marked by the pandemic. She does a wonderful job of explaining the historical reasons for so much of what she experienced in Kenya’s handling of the pandemic and I learned so much—both about Carly and about this amazing country. Please, take some time to listen to this story, learn how our neighbors on the other side of the globe have experienced this time and community, and to explore some of the resources provided at the end. Recorded November 20th…
The first time I had heard about Covid 19 was just kind of on the news. I had, in October of last year, I had just moved to Mombasa Kenya for the very first time [...] I was still adjusting to new things [...] and I very distinctly remember hearing about Covid about when I arrived.
For more information on the work Carly was a part of in Kenya please check out @imanicollective on instagram or visit:
To learn more about COVID and its impacts in Kenya and other East African countries, Carly recommends these articles: