Bailey | A barista, a bike, and a beautiful porch take on the pandemic
Dance brought us together, and throughout the pandemic we’d enjoy the occassional “porch” chat on facetime while I was in Kalaupapa and she was in Chicago. Bailey recently chatted with me a bit more about her journey and lifestyle changes throughout this pandemic. As usual—as we all enter into the pandemic’s virtual world—there are moments of technical gliches.
My tape ended early…here’s one final thought Bailey shared that I really liked:
I was just concerned about the mental health aspects of being alone. But it actually wasn’t bad, I think having a pet helps alot and having an outdoor space where I could say hellow to neighbors.
Reminder: Tip your baristas and servers extra if you can, and be kind—follow shop and restuarant protocols and wear your masks :)
All photos were contributed by Bailey, as documentation of her last several months.